Online Couples Counselling

Online Couples Counselling

Online Couples Counselling: this service is for couples in a long term-relationship. Are you in a long-term relationship and struggling to make it work? Feeling worn down by life & exhausted by conflict? Wishing that it could all be easier? Would you like your relationship to be closer & more trusting? To be able to come home to a loving, supportive home & family life?

I offer caring, confidential & effective help based on the research evidence of what works

Let me help you understand the difficulties in your relationship better and what you can do to
break forever this cycle of disappointment & pain.
Let me help you understand why you haven’t been able to create the lasting happiness you
seek. I will give you the knowledge & skills you need to maximize your chances of restoring the
closeness & friendship you once shared. I will show you how to move forward, in this area of
your life, to where you want to be.
Whether you are married or living-together and whether you want one to one support or to come
together with your partner, if you are looking for evidence-based, effective help with
relationships, this service is for you.

Female Client

I just wanted to tell you the good news that (my husband) and I are back together & have been
since about May. Didn’t want to ring you earlier as was keen to see how things were going but
so far it is great and I have my lovely husband (not grumpy one) back! All is so much better and
we are both in much better places than we were b4. I am very grateful to u as on our journey u
were the only professional who understood it properly
Couples counselling- Female Client

Relationship stress? Feel depressed? Happens to everyone.

“Relationship stress? Feel depressed? Happens to everyone. There’s nothing I can do about it,
unless I agree to long term surgery of my past in a psychiatrists den. That’s what I thought – and
fortunately Ann Marie proved me wrong. She helped me to see these apparently little things.
The things in my relationships that build up and multiply until I feel them of crushing importance.
I learnt what to watch out for and with her feedback was able to integrate this into daily practice.
You are never too old – I just turned 60 – or too young to change your life. Three sessions
helped me to rejuvenate my marriage and vaccinate me against depression attacks.”
Relationships- Male Married Client

My Story

At a turning point in my own relationship, many years ago, I rediscovered the work of
Psychologist John Gottman & applied his research findings to my own relationship with great
success. This eventually led to my current work with couples and individuals having difficulties in
relationships, based on combining Gottman’s research with my training in the human givens
approach and have found that by doing this I am having great success in helping people turn
failing relationships around.
I have also written a book about this, 5 Steps to lasting Love: an evidence-based guide to
protecting & repairing your relationship, available here.

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