Meet Ann Marie

Helping professionals build loving, supportive relationships – that last!

I help people repair & protect their relationship, working mainly with people who are in a long-
standing relationship that was once good but is now struggling.

I also help people with their emotional health, particularly in the areas of anxiety, trauma, stress and confidence and self-esteem. 

I offer sessions both to individuals seeking to improve their relationship or marriage, & to couples- online or by phone.

If you do not change your direction, you will end up exactly where you are headed.

– Chinese Proverb

My Approach

I use Human Givens Therapy which is a solution focused approach in combination with research from The Gottman Institute. HG Therapy is based on an up-to-date, understanding of the
mind/body system from Psychology and Neurobiology. It starts from where you are now and is
focused on getting you, as quickly as possible, to where you’d like to be. It combines a number
of approaches to maximising wellbeing including modern performance- enhancing &
motivational techniques. It also uses stories, metaphors & draws on ancient wisdom. As well
as, in many cases, substantially reducing symptoms and distress, I can also as give you tools
and techniques to help you to manage your difficulties better. (Read more about this
approach here or see

My Background

I hold a BA (hons) in Psychology and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Givens Therapy. I am
fully trained, qualified & accredited in, evidence based, solution-focused methods of helping
people (read more about this here and here). I have worked with people under pressure &/or in
distress for more than thirty years, helping people get their lives back following major set-backs
and am a founder member of MindFully Well, a network of HG practitioners across Ireland

specialising in treating emotional & stress-related difficulties, using only up-to-date, evidence-
based methods.

I studied Psychology at Bangor University (University College of North Wales) before gaining a
distinction in HG Therapy in 2002.

My Story

Right from being a child I was always interested in people & how they work & what makes them tick. When I was young, my mother seemed very unhappy & it was my greatest desire to help her with her difficulties. Sadly, that was before I had the skills & knowledge that I have now & I was never able to do that: she died when I was 24. My desire to help my mother & my love of Psychology lead me to the work that I do today. When we are stressed out or overwhelmed by our difficulties, we can’t think straight-because the thinking parts of our brain close down. At times like those we all ideally need a wise friend: someone who’s been there but is not there at the moment; someone who is in our corner & has our best interests at heart; someone who is clear headed enough to help guide us out through the maelstrom of emotion. My promise to you, if you work with me, is that I will be that wise friend in your corner, with your best interests always at heart & I will help you, to the best of my ability, to find your way out & back on your feet again, so that you can continue positively & joyfully on your life’s journey.


I decided to take the “road less traveled”, after my Psychology degree by choosing to train in

a little known, solution-focused brief therapy because it offered the best training & evidence-
base that I had come across and I wanted to become as effective as I could be for my clients.

I first came across HG Therapy about 20 years ago when I was working for Glasgow Simon
Colleagues told me about it. They said that it was very impressive & urged me to
look into it (they knew I had a degree in psychology).

I was initially skeptical as I had never heard of it but they convinced me to investigate further-
and, as they say, the rest is history!


At a turning point in my own relationship, many years ago, I rediscovered the work of
Psychologist John Gottman & applied his research findings to my own relationship with great
This eventually led to my current work with couples and individuals having difficulties in
relationships, based on combining Gottman’s research with my training in the human givens
approach. I have found that by doing this I am having a lot of success in helping people turn
failing relationships around. I recently wrote a book about this, available here.

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